Press photographs

updated 16.07.2015
Der Farbwald
brochure, German (4,6 MB)
brochure, German (4,6 MB)

created 14.07.2015
The Colour Forest
brochure, English (4,6 MB)
brochure, English (4,6 MB)

created 14.07.2015
Die Farbwand
brochure, German (4,1 MB)
brochure, German (4,1 MB)

created 16.10.2014
The Colour Wall
brochure, English (2,8 MB)
brochure, English (2,8 MB)

created 16.10.2014
The Walking Horizon
brochure, English (6,1 MB)
brochure, English (6,1 MB)

created 16.10.2014
Die Farbwand
Documetation of the conception, German (2,9 MB)
Documetation of the conception, German (2,9 MB)

created 16.10.2014
The Colour Wall
Documetation of the conception, English (1,1 MB)
Documetation of the conception, English (1,1 MB)

created 16.10.2014
The Walking Horizon
Documetation of the conception, English (4,1 MB)
Documetation of the conception, English (4,1 MB)

created 16.10.2014
Der offene Rahmen
Documetation of the conception, German (904 KB)
Documetation of the conception, German (904 KB)

created 16.10.2014
The Open Frame
Documetation of the conception, English (1,8 MB)
Documetation of the conception, English (1,8 MB)

created 16.10.2014
Topos einer Schnittstelle
Documetation of the conception, German (660 KB)
Documetation of the conception, German (660 KB)

created 16.10.2014
Topos of an Interface
Documetation of the conception, English (365 KB)
Documetation of the conception, English (365 KB)

created 16.10.2014
Chain with poems by Brian Johnson (373 KB)
Chain with poems by Brian Johnson (373 KB)

created 16.10.2014
Chain with poems by Brian Johnson (243 KB)
Chain with poems by Brian Johnson (243 KB)

created 16.10.2014
Selfportrait at Noon
Chain with poems by Brian Johnson (197 KB)
Chain with poems by Brian Johnson (197 KB)

created 16.10.2014
A House in the Forest
Chain with poems by Brian Johnson (64 KB)
Chain with poems by Brian Johnson (64 KB)

created 16.10.2014
Window Seat
Chain with a poem by Brian Johnson (57 KB)
Chain with a poem by Brian Johnson (57 KB)

created 16.10.2014